Evolving teams. Offline.

Unique team building events and offsite adventures.

Our services meant to create a bond


Remote work is a great opportunity for individuals, but a challenge for the team. We find that adventures away from the office are the best way to bring your team together. This is why we are creating expeditions for corporate teams to help you create a real bond.

Corporate getaways

When you are working on a challenge, it is always nice to change a point of view. From our experience, changing the scenery and reconnecting with nature is the best way to boost your creativity. We find exceptional locations away from the busy cities and provide infrastructure for efficient brainstorming sessions and relaxing activities. Spend quality time within your team, while we take care of everything else.

Daily physical activities and shared experiences at your office.

Explore our lunch break offerings:

Let’s get some movement in between the calls and meetings. Our instructors can implement activities for company’s teams next to your office:

  • yoga / pilates

  • tightrope walking

  • rock climbing

  • SUP / kayaking

  • and much more!

Contact us to discuss your team’s next getaway